Flagship projects: Czarnocinek – Orlik football field

Petra Energia/Blog/Our realizations/Flagship projects: Czarnocinek – Orlik football field

Implementation date: July 27, 2019

In cooperation with the company specializing in the construction of sports facilities Solid-Stet, we made hybrid lighting of the Orlik sports field in Czarnocinek

The lighting consists of 6 hybrid lanterns with 30W LED fixtures with a wide, asymmetrical light distribution. The lighthouse is also equipped with a 300W wind turbine one 280W photovoltaic module. The effect is very good. The luminaires, suspended at a height of about 6m, illuminate the field with great uniformity, as illustrated by the attached photos.

Solar and hybrid lighting fits very well with the concept of building outdoor sports facilities. These facilities are most often used during the spring, summer and autumn periods when the efficiency of solar lighting is highest.


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